Friday, January 8, 2010


The other morning I asked Chloe to get dressed. Several minutes later I went to check on her and she was in the closet with the door closed. She said, "Mom, don't look. I really want to wear this but I think you're going to say no."

How could I say no.


Behling Family said...

That is so cute! How could you say no to that sweet little face? She is so adorable. That is one thing about girls. Boys pretty much can't mess that up, but girls have so many different things that constitute an outfit.

Moke said...

She could start her own fashion statement! She is so cute.

Adri and Cory said...

You are so right! How could you ever say no? Like we said...what does it really hurt? She is such a little cutie pie! We miss you guys so much!!!

Stevie and Meesha said...

She is so funny. Although it isn't the perfect little outfit it really isn't half bad! She did good for putting together so many pieces of clothing!

T said...

So funny that she new you probably wouldn't approve. I love it!! Very runway. She looks adorable in anything. The funny thing is, clothes like that TOTALLY match her personality.